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THAME4BUSINESS is an organisation  dedicated to the future health and well-being of businesses in Thame, and the surrounding villages.  Any business owner living or working in Thame, Chinnor, Long Crendon, Haddenham, Brill and surrounding areas can benefit by becoming a member. The organisation is an amalgamation of what was the Chamber of Commerce and the Econonic working group of the town partnership, 21st Century Thame.

The group runs  events throughout the year, including a Business family fun day and lobbies on behalf of businesses in Thame.  Thame4Business recently spearheaded with 21st Century Thame and South Oxfordshire Dictrict Council, initiatives aimed at the sustainability of the town centre such as the Thame Loyalty Card and a Shop Front Improvement Scheme. These projects, along with a web portal for the town and Blue Plaques at various points in the town, were partly funded by SEEDA (South East Development Agency).

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