Bishop Joins Harvest Festival School
BISHOP Colin Fletcher of Dorchester joined Aston Rowant C of E school last Monday, for its Harvest Festival celebrations.
The bishop toured the new class rooms, which had been constructed over the summer holidays, and which have greatly enhanced the school?s facilities.
Governors, staff and ex staff, including retired head Celia Wilson, enjoyed a delicious soup lunch with the Bishop, prepared by year 6 children.
The harvest festival service, which included items and songs from each class, included information about an Ethiopian boy sponsored by the school, prayers of thanks for the new rooms and prayers for those less fortunate.
The Bishop explained to the children about his garments and by demonstrating with his crook, explained something of his work caring for the Church community.
The gifts donated by the school?s families, were given to Stepping Stones in Oxford, an organisation that works with the homeless, and to the Chinnor Resource Centre.
The Bishop commented upon the happy atmosphere in the school and the obvious support given by the parents and other volunteers. The children commented upon the Bishop?s friendliness; Daniel Matthews (9) said that the Bishop was “cool”.
The service was followed by tea and cakes for all organised by the PTA.
The school community was delighted with the event.