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Shed fires in Thame spread quickly

On 10/07/2015 At 7:36 pm

Category : Missed a ThameNews story?, More News, Thame news

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AT around 2:30pm this afternoon, the Oxfordshire County Council Fire and Rescue Service was called to a shed fire in King Close, Thame. When they got there, crews were faced with a rapidly escalating fire involving two large garden sheds.

fire_engine (400x274)A Fire Service spokesperson said: “The location of the sheds in proximity to the houses meant that heat and flames had just started to affect the outside of the property. The crews arrived in minutes of the first call and fire-fighters in breathing apparatus used high pressure jets quickly bringing the incident under control.

The crews remained in attendance to damp down the remains of the fire and were assisted by crews from both Wheatley and Aylesbury. Incident commander, Station Manager Williams, said that the occupiers dialling 999 immediately allowed this incident to be dealt with safely, stopping any spread to the inside of the houses nearby, and there were no reported injuries as a result of this fire.

seans_choice_crendon_bedsVisit for fire safety advice. If you have a fire safety question please call the free phone community safety helpline on 08000 325 999 or email:

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