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It’s here!! Biggest free food festival in England!

On 26/09/2015 At 1:34 am

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Tasting frenzy at last year's Thame Food Festival - Copyright Simon Earle

Tasting frenzy at last year’s Thame Food Festival – Copyright Simon Earle

YES, the event that really has put Thame on the map, will start at 6am this morning when the first of the 200 plus stall holders will drive, bleary-eyed into the centre of the town, ready to set out their stalls in time for the great foodie public from 9am.

This is the seventh Thame Food Festival and it really does promise to be the best yet, with so much more to keep the taste buds excited and the eyes and ears twitching for new ideas and inspiration to take away and enjoy at home.

high_street_cake (400x360)

This year is especially important for Thame, which is a strong contender for the Great British High Street awards, and the team behind Thame’s application will be on The Great British High Street stand (zone D, community stall area) and will be holding a ‘win the cake’ competition. The cake has been specially made by the ladies at A Piece of Cake shop in Upper High Street, Thame, complete with the ‘Great British High Street’ logo and message, ‘We’re supporting Thame’ on it, and the winner gets the cake!


The Big Thame Bake will be happening most of the day in the Upper Chamber of the town hall, which has been transformed into a pop up Tea Room, where Thame Belles WI will be serving up delicious cakes and teas. Or, if cake isn’t your thing (yes, there are those sad souls), grab yourself something to eat from the dozens of fresh food stalls and pop along to the Vintage and Modern Guitars Shop, in the Buttermarket from Midday, and listen to some great live music from the likes of The Phil Astles Band, Hiway51, Sir Walter J Wallis and Matt Edwards.

Independent Mortgae Solutions (RGB) - R1Full details of demonstration times, talks and workshops, on the Thame Food Festival Website and in the official programme available from the information point. Best way to travel in, is to leave the car at the Park and Ride at Chinnor Rugby ground, and catch the red, Routemaster bus into the town.

See you there!

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