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Nominate your local hero for the Thame Town Awards

On 26/02/2016 At 8:12 pm

Category : Missed a ThameNews story?, More News, Thame news

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FOR the eighth year running, Thame Town Council wants to hear about those people who help their neighbours, support local groups or go out of their way for others in their community, to recognise, to thank and celebrate those special people ‘who are working hard to make our community a safer, more vibrant and happier place to live’.

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Nominations opened today Friday, (26/02) for suggestions of your unsung hero in seven categories:

Sporting Achievement
Someone of any age who has shown real dedication to their sport. Perhaps a player, a coach, even someone who supports your team from the side-lines.

Voluntary Individual or Organisation
Any person or group that has worked tirelessly for the good of the community. Thame is a hive of community activity, which local cause deserves your nomination?

Person of Courage
Someone of any age who has overcome personal adversity or who is facing special challenges on an everyday basis.

Lifetime Achievement
Someone who has made a real contribution to Thame over a long period of time. They could be anyone from a teacher or carer to a fundraiser or event organiser. This award can be made posthumously.

Young Achiever
A young person up to the age of 18 who has excelled in a particular skill or discipline. Maybe a passionate campaigner, a star pupil or a great musician.

Service with a Smile
A business or an individual that consistently provides a faultless and friendly service.

Creative Arts Achievement
Anyone who has contributed to the artistic life of Thame.

To make a nomination, visit the town council’s website and fill out the electronic nomination form, or pop in to the Town Hall Information Centre and pick up a voting card. You can find out more about the Town Awards and meet some of the judging panel at the Thame Market Community Stall on Tuesday, March 15, or outside the Town Hall on March 29. Follow the awards on Twitter using #ThameAwards

The closing date for nominations is April 8, 2016.

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