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Photographer captures the passion of protest

On 09/01/2017 At 11:39 pm

Category : Missed a ThameNews story?, More News, Thame news

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“There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.”
Elie Wiesel shout_it_loud_cover_web_1024x1024-400x291

IN his new book, Shout It Loud, Shout It Clear, John Comino-James presents an astonishing photographic record of the breadth of causes that are embraced by those who protest, including against climate change, the replacement of Trident, the refugee crisis, the government’s austerity policies, the ongoing detention of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, Israeli policy towards the Palestinian people, the Chinese repressions in Tibet, Saving the Bee, and Fracking.

John Comino James

John Comino James

The list is seemingly endless and whether the protest involves small groups of campaigners or marches numbering tens of thousands, the anger and indignation of the protesters brings passion and commitment to the streets of the UK. Yet all too often many of these protests pass unremarked in the mainstream media. We may pride ourselves that it is the mark of a civilized community that it can accommodate protests and demonstrations, but, as Comino-James suggests, we must never forget that there are societies in which any form of protest carries the certainty of draconian penalties.

“We must also remember,” John states, “that while the protests on our streets may be permitted – even facilitated – they are also closely monitored by the authorities. There is no room for us to be complacent.”

Accompanying the photographs are reflective texts which explore the nature of these protests. Quoting from the banners and placards carried by protesters, Comino-James weaves together a powerful and deeply moving commentary on this important, though often overlooked, backdrop to our democracy.

Independent Mortgae Solutions (RGB) - R1John Comino-James lives near Thame and has published seven previous books of photographs, including several focusing on aspects of Thame, and has exhibited his work in the UK and in Cuba.

You can read more and about John and his previous books HERE and follow him on facebook: HERE

Shout it Loud, Shout it Clear is published by dewi lewis publishing and retails at £25.


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