Happy bunnies at Lord Williams’s School
On 05/04/2017 At 4:18 pm
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STUDENTS and local families hopped out of bed on Saturday, April 1, to support Lord Williams’s School in Thame’s ‘Hot Cross Bunny Run’, an event organised by the Parents’ Association (LWA).
There were 86 runners tackling the 5k course which included leaping over straw bales, hopping over car tyres and under ‘rabbit’ nets! Sponsorship money is still coming in and the school is hopeful that the amount raised will be over £2,000. All monies raised from the event will be put towards the purchase of iPads and a charging trolley to be used by students across the school.
Business support for the event came from Abbey Business who offered an iPad to the student raising the most sponsorship and TnS Catering who provided water for the runners and sponsored advertising costs. Locally based Lucy Electrical sponsored running numbers.
Commenting on their support of the event Mike Jones of Lucy Electrical, said: “I’m an Old Tamensian myself so I’m always keen to support the school.”
David Wybron, Headteacher said: “This was a fun event and enjoyed by everyone present. I would like to thank all those who helped to organise the event and well done to the participants. It was a tough course but well worth the effort to raise funds for the school.”