Thame Parade To Go Ahead
THE Thame Festival parade is happening! A positive response has met recent appeals by the event organisers who, nonetheless, need more businesses to get involved in the parade and the festival.
To make the parade more accessible to businesses who may not have the time or staff to organise anything elaborate, this year there will be no need to necessarily come up with a full float or fantastic costumes – although of course the more colourful and eye-catching the better – just get involved in this fun, community event.
Claire Hewison-Billsborough, Thame First’s representative on the Festival Committee, says: “Taking part could simply be walking along with T shirts with your company name on, or the ‘full thing’ with banners and flags etc.. whatever you do, just do something.. please let us have your ideas, and commitment for this annual event.. look forward to hearing from you..”
contact Bob Davies: or Diane Eyre: