Ringmaster Message For Local Businesses
THERE have been a series of commercial distraction offences to retail premises across the force area since February. This has involved groups of up to 10 (sometimes more) people, described as Eastern European, both males and females and sometimes with children.
They have entered smaller retail shops, post offices and petrol filling stations and distracted staff with enquiries and purchases, whilst a number of the group enter rear storage or private living areas, stealing mainly cash and jewellery. To date there has been no violence used by this group.
A similar incident occurred at a Newsagents in Oxford Road, Abingdon, on Thursday 22nd March, at approx. 13:17hrs.
Please be extra vigilant to these offences and lock any access to restricted areas during trading hours. If you see anyone suspicious or have any information relating to this message, please call the police on 08458 505 505 and state you are responding to a ringmaster message.