..from beneath a mound of election babble!
Hi Sonja, I couldnt agree with your correspondent more of ” Quality not quantity”. We’ve had the door knocker abused on about a dozen occasions over the last two weeks. If we get a visit tonight, then maybe I could supply a headline for tomorrow’s “Thame News.net”.
“Former Thame Festival chairman arrested for brutal attack on election canvasser”.
Do you have the main protagonists home addresses so I could return their important election material to them personally, so it can go on their council tax bill, and not mine! I find it absurd that they talk of “Green issues “, and their concern for the environment, when they are flushing out this rubbish on a daily basis. Hypocrisy does not begin to describe their ill-considered attempts to get to Westminster.
Yours from beneath a mound of election babble.
Bob Davies