News from Haddenham 17/09/09
HADDENHAM LIBRARY. Would you be interested in volunteering to assist with the library?s weekly term-time Bounce and Rhyme and Story time sessions for under-5s? If so, for more information please visit the library and speak to Barbara Paul, Library Manager, or telephone 0845 2303232.
RECYCLING. As well as recycling 95% of its own waste (everything except the food waste from the Gardeners? Retreat Coffee Shop), Haddenham Garden Centre is now able to offer a recycling service to the public by giving space to AVDC recycling banks. It already has in use banks for cardboard, glass (separate banks for clear, green and brown glass) and newspapers and, in due course, you will also be able to dispose of plastics and cans, clothes and foil. In addition, you can take unwanted plant pots or seed trays to a collecting point within the shop.