Progress on Thame to Haddenham community path
A footpath that runs along part of a proposed community path between Thame and Haddenham, is to be upgraded to a Right of Way by Buckinghamshire County Council – good news for all the cylists, walkers and and horseriders who have been campaigning for a safe route between the two communities for years.
LOCAL people who live and work in Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire, are being asked to put their names to two petitions – one for each county council involved, Busks and Oxfordshire, to demonstrate local support for a path between Thame and Haddenham.
Lee Stevens, from Buckinghamshire County Council, recently gave the good news to the Haddenham-based cycling group, Haddenham Safe Walking & Cycling Group (SWAC), and informed them that BCC are going to make a complusory order for the change. He estimated that it would take about six months to achieve and that once the change had been made, it would then be a matter of getting the funds together to make the path.
The new name for the community path is to be The Miller’s Way, reflecting the existance of Scotsgrove Mill on the route.
Contact: to have your request for a copy of the petition, passed on.
Photo: Bridlepath towards Scotsgrove Mill, Copyright Shaun Ferguson