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New Chair to take Thame town partnership forward

On 21/10/2009 At 12:00 am

Category : Thame news

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THE Thame town partnership has a new woman at the helm, to help take Thame forward with projects and events to enhance and promote the town.

Cat Young, who runs a business in the town, is the new Chair of The 21st Century Thame Partnership, made up of representatives from the local community, businesses and local authority groups. The Thame partnership was set up in late 2004 to take on the responsibility of implementing Action Plan projects that evolved from the Market Town Healthcheck process the previous year.

At a presentation to Thame Town Council recently, Cat listed some of the achievements of the partnership so far, including a Thame shopping guide, the Thame Walking and Cycling map and The Historic Town Trail, and spoke about some of the future events like the Thame’s Got Talent event at The Spread Eagle, Thame, on November 15, 2009.

One of Cat’s main immediate tasks will be to spear head a bid for funding from SEEDA (South East Economic Development Agency)to enable the partnership to get

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