How do we brand Thame?
FOLLOWING the Oxfordshire market towns second network event recently, on how to brand our market towns, the third and final workshop has now been confirmed for Tuesday, November 24, 2009, at the Spread Eagle Hotel in Thame. The workshop will start at 4.30pm and will finish by 7.15pm.
The main objectives of the workshop, which will again be run by Miller Research, are:
* To present the ideas on distinctiveness and
a brand for Thame, that came out of the
earlier workshop ? Steve Capell (Capell
Creative) 4.30pm to 5.30pm
* To share ideas for the distinctiveness
action plan for Thame – Chris Jones (Miller
Research) specifically:
o Present and agree areas for action
o Prioritisation of projects
o Setting a timetable for action
o Understanding what are the initial steps for
o What are the big projects? Where do we start
with these?
* An agreement to the next steps in the local
process and how the distinctiveness work fits
with wider activities and projects
Email Claire Harris at Miller Research, via: if you would like to attend.
A light buffet will be available at 5-30pm.