M40 anti noise action group proposals short listed
AFTER years of campaigning, members of the M40 Chilterns Environment Group’s (M40CEG) proposal to quieten stretches of the M40 had moved a step closer to becoming a reality.
After considering over 300 proposals submitted by councils on behalf of their local action groups, the Local Government Association (LGA) short-listed 172 schemes. From that short-list the Secretary of State will evaluate and select the proposals it wants to implement.
Working in partnership with Wycombe District Council and South Oxfordshire District Council, M40CEG proposed that the Highways Agency take action to permanently reduce road noise through re-surfacing, improving sound barriers and implement speed and night time restrictions between junctions three and eight.
The proposal, if agreed, could significantly improve the quality of life for the local residents along the stretch of the M40 at Loudwater, Wycombe and Lane End through to Wheatley in Oxfordshire.
As yet a timeline has not been confirmed by Government, but the LGA is pushing to discuss these proposals in the coming weeks and are hopeful that the process will be completed before the Easter recess.
The M40CEG group was formed in response to long standing concerns of residents that border this long stretch of motorway to the growing noise pollution.
Residents interested in supporting the proposal can write to the local MP asking them to support the proposal. Letter templates are available from the M40CEG website, www.m40-chilterns.org.uk.