Kerbside collections of small electrical items, textiles & batteries – suspended
On 01/04/2020 At 9:06 pm
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SOUTH Oxfordshire District Council haS suspended its kerbside service collecting small electrical items, batteries and textiles for recycling.
In the current situation, recycling centres for these items are unable to accept them for processing as staff shortages, due to illness and social distancing, has meant work at these centres cannot continue as it did before the Coronavirus pandemic, and The council doesn’t its self have storage for such items.
In a warning to residents the council said: “Please do NOT put unwanted or broken electrical items or batteries in the general refuse (rubbish) or recycling as they can cause a fire in the bin trucks which could endanger the lives of bin crews and others nearby. A fire could also lead to the loss of a bin truck and less of a service at a time when the waste service is needed by everyone.