16/05/11….Development plan up for inspection tomorrow
SOUTH Oxfordshire District Council?s Core Strategy will be examined for the first time tomorrow, Tuesday May 17, when the Inspector holds the first public meeting at 10am in the Council Chamber, South Council Offices at Crowmarsh.
The meeting is the start of a process that will take place over this summer. An independent planning inspector will examine the council?s long term plans for development in the district. This meeting will provide an opportunity for the inspector to discuss some initial points on which he wants further clarification, before proceeding to the hearing sessions in July. This is a normal part of the process.
The council submitted its draft core strategy to the Secretary of State on Friday, March 18, and he appointed independent Planning Inspector Roy Foster to scrutinise the document. During the hearings in July, the inspector will examine evidence from the council and other interested parties about how the district should develop over the next 15 years. He will then produce a report, which the council expect to receive before the end of the year. If the final decision is that the strategy is sound, then the council can go on to adopt it in early 2012.
Adrian Duffield, Head of Planning, said: ?The meeting represents an important first step in the draft core strategy examination process as it will lay the foundations for the public hearings taking place in July. Residents can find out more by visiting our website at www.southoxon.gov.uk/corestrategy
NB To find out more about the strategy and information on the public examination session, please visit www.southoxon.gov.uk/corestrategyexamination
The core strategy is a 15 year plan setting out how the council will help deliver housing, opportunities for high quality jobs and thriving town centres across the district.
The core strategy recommendations for Thame the site to the north west of the town as the site for around 530 new homes (Site F, the old pig farm opposite Lord Williams’s Upper school).
In the larger villages, some development would be allowed: “..to help limit decline and make them strong enough to sustain day-to-day services.” At present 750 new homes have been identified split across larger villages. The strategy also contains details of the necessary infrastructure needed to support all housing development that takes place.
SEE: for back stories on the Core Strategy (in date order, oldest at the top): LINK