08/08/11….A Neighbourhood plan for Thame
IN anticipation of the passing of The Localism Bill later this year, Thame Town Council has appointed a Planning and Urban Design company (Tibbalds) to work with the community to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan for the town.
The aim of a Neighbourhood Plan is to enable local
communities to directly influence the future of the places where they live and to help shape the development of the town over the next 20+ years.
The purpose of the Neighbourhood Plan is, says TTC: “to give local people greater ownership of the plans and policies that affect the area. It will identify the specific site or broad location; specify the form, size, type and design of new development. The intention is to empower local people to take a proactive role in shaping the future of the areas in which they live.”
How does a Neighbourhood Plan relate to the District Council’s Local Development Framework, or Core Strategy, at the present time out for consultation by the planning authority, South Oxfordshire District Council, and currently causing division between local residents’ groups in Thame?
A Neighbourhood Plan cannot, apparently, promote less housing and economic development than envisaged in the District Council?s development plan because a neighbourhood plan must be in “general conformity” with the strategic elements of the development plan.
“However,” says the town council, “through a duty to cooperate, the District Council will be working in partnership with the Town Council to strengthen the relationship between Thame?s plan and the objectives and policies within their emerging Core Strategy.”
What is the process for preparing a plan?
The Government has established a ten-step process for the production of a plan and Tibbalds will be managing that process on behalf of Thame Town Council. The plan will be subject to an independent examination and will be put to the community in a referendum.
What is meant by examination and what will be examined?
The examination will test whether the Neighbourhood Plan is in accordance with the strategic policies in the District Council?s Core Strategy. It will be undertaken by a suitably qualified person who is independent of the process. If the examiner agrees that the plan is in line with strategic objectives, then a referendum will be held.
What is the referendum?
Following the examination, the plan will be subject to a referendum, where 50% of the votes need to be in favour of the plan. As with a general election, the vote is not based on the total population of the area, rather the number of people who actually turn out to vote. If the vote is in favour of the plan the District Council is legally obliged to adopt it for plan making and development control purposes. It will then comprise the plan for the area for the next ten years, after which it will be reviewed and can be updated as necessary.
How can I be involved?
During August the framework for producing the plan will be developed, after which the whole community will have an opportunity to be involved in the development of the plan. More information will be widely publicised about how you can do this, but if you want to register your interest now, you can register your details by emailing the Town Council at: oss@thametowncouncil.gov.uk or contacting the Town Hall on 01844 212833.
NB The Localism Bill is currently at the Report stage in the House of Lords. Further line by line examination of the Bill is scheduled for September 5.