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05/04/12…..Does Thame need a new Community facility?

On 05/04/2012 At 12:00 am

Category : Thame news

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THIS is the question that Thame Town Council has been looking into as part of its development of a draft Neighbourhood Plan for Thame, now in its final stages of production.

The council has employed a consultant to assess the need and viability of a community building for Thame. Such a facility has been the longstanding aspiration of some groups in the town, particularly CMAG, the Cattle Market Action Group so the council wanted to know what size building was required and what the financial implications would be.

Are current needs being met?

In his presentation of his findings to councillors on Tuesday (03/04), Ian Barclay, the Consultant contracted to carry the initial study, reported that 10 of the 70 respondents to a needs survey said that there was nothing in Thame to satisfy their specific needs, generally for a larger capacity facility for performance based activities.

Most other groups it seems, were able to find a suitable venue though there were some issues of value and capacity on occasions.

Mr Barclay also reported that the effect of any new facility on existing venues, often not-for-profit organisations, would need to be taken into consideration.

What about future need?

However, he added that any future, or ‘latent’ need thrown up by the future growth of Thame, or unfulfilled bookings where people may be going out of the town for their events because of any inadequacy, needed to be thought about.

Mr Barclay concluded that Thame may have to decide between ‘need’ and ‘vision’:

“If the town is seeking to position itself as a hub for arts events, festivals, performance based events etc perhaps to stimulate the local economy, then that is another thing,” he concluded.

What happens now?

The town council said today: “Following the consultant?s presentation to the Full Council meeting on April 3, 2012, members will now determine exactly what type of facility is required, as part of their Neighbourhood Plan discussions. Their decision will be of vital importance to the town.”

PHOTO: The Stables, behind the James Figg pub, a popular Thame venue for parties, discos, music events etc

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