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05/06/13…..Cyclists, please use your bells !

On 05/06/2013 At 12:00 am

Category : Letters to the Editor

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DEAR Editor, We all know the on going ‘complaints’ between users of the Phoenix Trail. I didn’t really have any issues with other users until last weekend. I was walking down the trail with my young son having fun looking and exploring the reminders of the railway as we walked down. That was until my son was almost knocked clean on the floor by a cyclist speeding between me and my son – not the first time this as happened. Naturally my son was very upset and scared. The cyclist just shouted out: “Look where you’re going!” and sounded very angry as he shouted it.

I’m sorry but I don’t see why he was so angry – He didn’t slowed down, nor did he use a bell. It is very clearly marked on the information board that bells should be used by cylists. Half a foot closer and he would have struck my son down with great force. This sort of cyclist is very dangerous on a public footpath and God forbid I hope, that one of them ever hits anyone.

Please can cyclists slow down and use bells. Yes, I know it is only a small number of cyclists acting this way but it is happening too much. I now understand how a small number of dogs get in way of such cyclists.

I urge ALL users to keep the trail safe by following the basic sign posted rules. Maybe asking the Thame PCSO team to patrol the trail more, mainly to ask these dangerous cyclist to slow down, would help, but to also remind everyone to keep it safe for all users.

Mr G Compton

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