03/04/13…How businesses & organisations could save lives
OXFORDSHIRE’S local ambulance service is urging all businesses and organisation who are more than five minutes away from medical treatment to install a simple piece of equipment that could save lives.
In the last three months South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SCAS) has helped 35 businesses and organisations across the South Central Region to help to potentially save a life by inspiring them to install an automated Public Access Defibrillator (PAD) at their premises. What?s more a further 44 businesses and organisations have already pledged to install one in April, 2013.
In the UK approximately 30,000 people suffer a cardiac arrest outside hospital and are treated by emergency medical services every year. A patient?s chance of survival decreases by around 10% per minute following a Cardiac Arrest. As such it is vital that emergency medical treatment begins as soon as possible.
If defibrillation is delivered promptly, survival rates as 75% can be achieved. The UK Resuscitation Council suggests an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) should be available wherever medical treatment is more than five minutes away.
SCAS recommends that a PAD be installed by amongst others, activity centres, bus stations, art centres, charitable trusts, churches, cinemas, community centres, corporate businesses, medical centres, equestrian centres, football clubs, garden centres, golf clubs, health and fitness clubs, hotels, museums, nursing or care homes, parish councils, post offices, public houses, residents associations, restaurants, schools and colleges, shopping centres, service stations, sports and social clubs, supermarkets, railway stations, village associations and volunteer groups.
The cost of a PAD including a secure box is