04/03/13…..Thame becomes the news story!
REGULAR listeners to BBC Radio Oxford who live in Thame, were pleasantly surprised this morning when they realised that their town had become the news story of the day.
Following the release of a recent empty retail premises survey showing that Thame was the third most successful High Street in the country, Radio Oxford’s outside broadcast team hit town.
The ‘road show’ was fronted by the station’s Morning Show host, Phil Gayle who, camped out at Time Out in the High Street, interviewed local people about why they thought Thame’s High Street shops were managing to ‘hold their own’ while shops in other towns seemed to be closing down more frequently.
Phil interviewed Angie Newitt, from the family butchers in the High Street, Sonja Francis as former Chair of Thame4Business and member of 21st Century Thame, Tim Preston, who is the current Chair of T4B, Town Cllr Andy Gunn, shop owner, Trish Morrison and other local residents and passers-by.
The general consensus seemed to be that the town’s relative success was down to its plethora of family and independently run shops, good customer service, team-working to organise festivals and events, Economic Development initiatives like the Loyalty Card scheme and Shop Front Improvement schemes, and a general air of community and well-being.
The full programme can be listened to again by visiting BBC Radio Oxford’s website HERE
NB A recent survey carried out by The Local Data Company, found that Thame was the third most successful high street in the country, having only one empty shop premises in January, when the survey was carried out.
PHOTO: A budding young radio programme host tries on BBC Radio Oxford presenter, Phil Gayles’s headphone for size, at the Time Out cafe in Thame this morning.