13/03/13……BREAKING NEWS: Sainsbury’s plan for Cattle Market refused
AS the news was breaking this evening that Pope Francis had been selected to replace the retiring Benedict XVI, a battle royal was taking place in the council chamber of South Oxfordshire District Council.
It was the people of Thame versus the Supermarket giant, Sainsbury. Supported in the main by the majority of the local agricultural fraternity, Sainsbury’s had applied for planning permission to demolish the Cattle Market buildings and Racquests sports club, and build a 3459 sq m supermarket with a ‘community centre’ building tagged on.
However, all council members of the district council’s Planning committee, bar one, voted to reject the application on the recommendation of it’s Senior Planning Officer, Michael Moore, reporting on one of his last cases before retirement.
Basically, the plan was rejected on the following grounds:
A) The proposed plan went against the policies of both the Local Plan and the Thame Neighbourhood Plan, that require a mixed use development.
B) The proposed design of the supermarket would be out of keeping with its surroundings and would therefore detract from ‘the character, appearance and setting in the locality.’ (next to Conservation area)
c) The development would involve the loss of a sport and social club with no alternative provision (against the adopted South Oxon Local Plan)
D) That the bulk of the development and general disturbance, noise and odour associated with it would negatively impact on neighbouring residents .
FULL REPORT TOMORROW – In the meantime, a recorded webcast will be available soon to view HERE
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