13/08/12…WANTED: Good qulity clothes, jewellery etc for charity fashion show
WANTED NEW OR GOOD QUALITY CLOTHES, JEWELLERY, ACCESSORIES: Oxfordshire Mind fundraising volunteers are looking for NEW or GOOD QUALITY Clothes, Jewellery and Accessories for its Fun Fashion Show to be held on Thursday, 20th September 2012.
We have projects all across Oxfordshire where items can be dropped off including, Botley, Oxford, Witney, Carterton, Chipping Norton, Kidlington, Bicester, Banbury, Abingdon, Thame, Wallingford, Wantage, Henley, and Didcot.
To offer your support please contact Nicky Clargo on 01865 263733 or email nicky.clargo@oxfordshire-mind.org.uk