Skaters and BMX bikers have got it pegged!
A complete facelift for Thame Skate Park came a step – or maybe that should be an ‘Ollie’ – closer last night, when Thame Town Council agreed to go ahead with the scheme, using the design ‘Wheelscape’ chosen by the skaters and BMX bikers of Thame.

The group of skate park users sit in the council chamber, awaiting good news from the town council about their new skatepark
The public gallery at last night’s Thame Town Council meeting, was packed with local skaters keen to show their support for the scheme, which had become necessary once the existing skate park began to show serious symptons of wear and tear. RoSPA(Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents) recently reported that the existing skate park had a life expectancy of just 12 months.
Skater, Olly Ross, said: “”We are all very excited about the prospect of this new Skatepark. Everyone loves the design and cannot wait for it to be built.”
The £250,000 scheme, which will include completely new, state-of-the-art equipment, will be partly funded by South Oxfordshire District Council and Thame Town Council and other grants are being sought. As well as providing a great recreational and sporting outlet for Thame’s young people, it is anticipated that the facility will be an attraction for skaters from other areas who will help to increase footfall in the town.
Cllr Jeannette Matelot Green, who leads the Skate park Working Group, told Councillors: “BMX is now an Olympic sport, and most Snowboarders, so successful in the recent Winter Olympics at Sochi, started out as skaters.”
Several fund-raising events are being planned for the coming weeks and there will be a big launch event once the new facility is up-and-running, expected to be by November, 2014.