Dehydration warning as weather hots up!
AS the weather hots up – it’s 26 C at the moment in Thame, and expected to rise to 29 C tomorrow – South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SCAS) is urging everyone to stay well hydrated. Becoming dehydrated can lead to severe headaches, a lack of energy and a feeling of being lightheaded. In susceptible people this can lead to falls, faints and kidney problems.
The best way to stay hydrated, they say, is to drink a minimum of two litres a day. Water and fruit juices are the most hydrating drinks and it is best to avoid fizzy, alcoholic or caffeine based drinks. The amount a person needs to drink to avoid dehydration will vary depending on a range of factors, including their size and how active they are. The more active you are, the more you will need to drink.
Mark Ainsworth-Smith, Consultant Pre-Hospital Care Practitioner for SCAS said: “We are encouraging people to be very careful during this current hot weather. It is really important to stay well hydrated and we would urge the public to drink plenty of water and fruit juices
and to avoid excess alcohol. Special care should be taken for the old, the very young and for those with chronic health problems who are far more susceptible to dehydration.”
To keep up to date about staying #summersafe, you can follow SCAS on twitter at @SCAS999