New Site For Youth Shelter?
A NEW site for a Youth Shelter in Thame is being considered by the town council, following opposition to an earlier site and a new recommendation from the town’s Youth Council.
Almost two years ago, the then Thame Youth Council, together with Thame Town Council, decided that the Queen Elizabeth Circle, opposite the Skate Park, would be suitable for a youth shelter. An exhibition and display at the town hall was mounted so that young people could comment on which design and location they would prefer for a meeting shelter. However there was some opposition from residents in the Roundhead Drive area who feared an increase in noise and criminality in their area if the shelter was sited on the circle.
At their meeting on Tuesday, the council’s Culture, Leisure and Recreation committee discussed a recommendation from the current Youth Council that the shelter, for which funded had been set aside, be sited on the Southern Road Recreation ground, replacing the metal igloo climbing frame. Among other concerns, the Youth council were worried about the dangers of young people crossing the by-pass from the skate park to access a shelter on Queen Elizabeth Circle.
Some town councillors were concerned about opposition coming from residents in Southern Road, but the Clerk, Helen Stewart, said: “There will be obstacles to overcome wherever the shelter is sited; young people already gather at the Rec and this is the sort of thing they are craving for.”
Cllr Nigel Champken-Woods added: “We promised the youth of Thame a shelter two years ago and we are still pontificating; we need to bite the bullet now.”
Cllr Nick Carter, who was against the principle of a youth shelter altogether, proposed that the money be ring-fenced for some other youth facility in the future but he was unable to carry any other council members with him.
Finally, Cllr Adam Buckland’s proposal that the Southern Road Recreational ground be chosen for a youth shelter, subject to consultation, was carried by the committee – 3 votes for – 2 against.
The Rec is the favoured site for a shelter, of Thame’s Police Community Support Officers.
Photo: Youth Shelter similar to the type proposed for Thame.