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MP’s ‘chaos’ theory over wind turbines

On 20/01/2015 At 1:17 pm

Category : Missed a ThameNews story?, More News, Thame news

Responses : 2 Comments

IN response to an article in The Times recently, which accuses the Labour party of ‘plotting’ a huge increase in wind turbines (see LINK, Thame’s MP John Howell has accused his party’s opposition of threatening ‘ chaos in the Henley constituency’.

Wind+Turbine+2 (233x350)As it is not possible to read the full article without subscribing to The Time’s website, it is difficult to know exactly what the author of The Times’ piece, Ben Webster’s evidence for his claim is, but John Howell claims that the piece reports that: “Mike Parker, the head of onshore wind at RWE Innogy UK, one of the biggest wind farm companies, said that he had found ‘very strong support for onshore wind in one-to-one conversations’ with key Labour and Liberal Democrat figures’,” and that he (Parker) had added: “It gives me confidence to continue with what we are doing.”


seans_choice_crendon_beds In a statement, John Howell said: ““Many families in the Henley constituency, who are concerned that wind farms could be approved locally without their views being heard, will be appalled to hear about these Labour plans for a massive expansion of onshore wind – Labour must either condemn them or come clean to local people about [his/her] plans for more windfarms.


Howell_loyalty_form (2)“Now that we have enough onshore wind power to meet our renewables target we should be ending bill payer funded subsidies for newly planned projects and give local communities the decisive say on them, but only a Conservative government would deliver that.

“At the next election local people in the Henley constituency now have a clear choice: between the strong leadership of the Conservatives who will protect our local natural beauty for our children and grandchildren – or a vote for any other party which would lead to the chaos of more publicly subsidised wind farms.”


Sam_J_photo (400x303) (350x265) (250x189)Sam Juthani, the Parliamentary Labour Candidate for the constituency, has taken on John Howell over his claims, and states: “When climate change is one of the most important issue that faces the planet today, the Labour Party is proud to stand up and campaign on its commitment to decarbonise the UK’s electricity supply by 2030. Renewable sources of energy, such as windfarms are an important part of that. Surveys show that people much prefer windfarms to fracking, which has seen practically unconditional support from this Conservative Party.

“John Howell has been reduced to talking about non-existent policies. The Labour Party will not endanger our rural landscape and heritage. John Howell and the Conservative Party have been reduced to this because they have no plan to ensure a sustainable future for the UK, and have abandoned any pretense of being green.”

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