A ‘wee’ campaign to support bladder cancer
A charity to fight Bladder cancer, founded by a Chinnor bookshop owner, has helped launch a new campaign, Shout Out About Bladder Cancer, to raise awareness about the disease.
Bladder cancer is the seventh most common cancer in the UK, affects both men and women, young or old, and has one of the highest recurrence rates of any cancer. Despite this, nothing or very little is seen or heard about in the media. Andrew Winterbottom’s charity, along with two others Action on Bladder Cancer and The Urology Foundation, have joined forces to bring bladder cancer into public general knowledge, and also to GP’s and other medical facilities.
The website www.shoutoutaboutbladdercancer.org is full of information about the disease, where to get help etc, and about the three charities involved.
You can read more about the opening of Andrew’s charity book shop, The Wee Bookshop, by Jefffrey Archer, and the inspiration behind Andrew’s idea for the bookshop here https://www.thame.net/archives/17338 and follow The Wee Bookshop on Facebook HERE
The Wee Bookshop is at 19 Station Road, Chinnor.