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Why I’m walking six miles in glowing bunny ears!

On 24/06/2015 At 8:05 pm

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AS the clock ticks down towards the ‘Glo4Flo’ Midnight walk in aid of the Florence Nightingale Hospice, women from all over the area are signing up to take part to raise funds for the charity, including Yvette Cundy, proprietor of Kismet Jewellers in Thame.


Yvette Cundy walking in last year's midnight walk

Yvette Cundy walking in last year’s midnight walk

Charlotte SanMarco, from Chinnor, another walker, has been explaining why she has decided to take part: “In 2013, my dad, Bian Mace, was told that his bowel cancer had returned and that he would probably only have months to live. When you’re told something like that, it doesn’t just affect your loved one – it affects the whole family.

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“Once we realised Dad’s illness was terminal we were put in touch with the amazing team at Florence Nightingale Hospice. They stayed by our side for the next year, explaining everything to us to make the whole experience seem less scary.

“Last summer, Dad’s cancer took hold and he was admitted to the hospice, where he was cared for with dignity and pride right up until his final few days. My young boys, Callum (6) and Zak (4), were very unsure about why ‘Grampy’ had to stay in the hospice.

seans_choice_crendon_bedsBut, the nurses were brilliant. They even gave the boys a teddy bear each which put smiles back on their faces.

“Sadly, on the August 3, 2014, dad lost his battle. We’re just so grateful that he had somewhere safe and comfortable to spend his last days. This is why on Saturday, July 11, my Mother-in-law, Sister-in- law and me (with my five-month-old baby bump) will be walking six miles to support the outstanding care provided at the Hospice, and to enable them to continue to help families just like us.”

There is still time to register to take on the challenge; visit to find out how.

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