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Medley of medals for young Thame swimmers

On 10/07/2015 At 5:21 pm

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ON a hot, steamy day with an ice cold swimming pool, a squad from Thame Swimming Club did their founder swimmer, Rebecca Brightling proud on what was her last gala before she heads off on new adventures in September

Rebecca Brightling

Rebecca Brightling

As is becoming a habit, once again the squad excelled, this time at the Bracknell & Wokingham Swimming Club Level 3, Open Meet on Saturday, July 4. Under the guidance of Ian Keys, the squad put in some spectacular swims with personal bests being achieved, club records being broken and all round brilliant swimming all in evidence.

Speaking for the club, Helen Williams saod: “We would like to take this opportunity to say a massive congratulations to Rebecca; winning two Gold medals and a Silver medal is a great way to finish too! Rebecca is a founding swimmer of Thame Swimming Club and back in March 2009 won the competition to create the logo which is still being used today, what a legacy!”

Thame Swimming Club achieved a massive medal count of 77, among the notable from the gala are:

· Harry Block for swimming sub-30 for his 50 Fly.

· Douglas Birchall for edging ever closer to going sub 30 on the 50 Free, 30.01 is the cruellest of all results.

· Hazel Randall for knocking 7 seconds off her 200 Free time – no mean feat given she knocked 15 seconds off at CMK
only two weeks ago!
Hazel also took a whopping 18 seconds off her 200 Back personal best time.

· Manas Bapat for taking 19 seconds off his 200 Free and 12 seconds off his 100 IM personal best times.

· Flora Kershaw for taking 10 seconds off her 100 IM personal best time.

· Josh Williams for swimming at all given he got home from A&E just before 1am on the morning of the gala following a
football collision!

Helen added: “Thank you to the following officials who supported this gala on behalf of Thame Swimming Club: Mark Simms, Michele Block, Emma Day, Brian Pridmore, Paul Williams, Wendy Randall and Matt Randall.”

In a separate ‘first’ for the club, three of its swimmers have qualified to swim in the Welsh National Championships later in the month. They are Ben Williams (Boys Club Captain), Hallam Cozier and Josh Williams. It’s the first time Thame Swimming Club has had swimmers compete at these National Championships ‘so we’re all a bit excited!’ concluded Helen.

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