CAB Accommodation Assurance
ASSURANCES have been issued today that Thame’s Citizens Advice Bureau is secure in the Market House building, for the foreseeable future.
Concerns were raised after it was reported on this website that the CAB had been issued with notice to vacate the building by its landlord, South Oxfordshire District Council.
Peter Todd, Chairman of the CAB’s Trustees, told ThameNews.Net today: “The Thame CAB was never formally requested to leave the Market House. Discussions are currently underway with both SODC and Thame Town Council and I am happy that everything is being done to secure the bureau’s accommodation in Thame.”
ED. ThameNews.Net does NOT print unsubstantiated material and I was satisfied that the confirmation of our information at the time of reporting, was made by a creditable source, and still are.
Happily, Peter Todd’s comments today will bring relief to many local people who feared the loss of our CAB.
Photo: Peter Todd Courtesy of Thame Witchert Rotary web site