Books To Eat Festival
EAT your words, munch a memoir, chew a chapter, gnaw a novel etc?.
This year?s Books2eat International Edible Book Festival is on tomorrow, Saturday, April 1.
To take part, anyone can make an edible book, share it with others by consuming their creations at their own tea party, at tea time, along with the rest of the world tomorrow.
Full details are available on the Books2eat website
At your tea party, display your name, a title, a list of ingredients and take a photograph of each book. Upload the pictures onto an album in Yahoo photos at The instructions for making an album lead you step by step. Email details to Beatrice Coron at who will link your web album to the rest of the world on the website http://www.colophon/edible books. Here you will be able to see other Books2eat from around the world.
Thame?s own monthly Arts Caf