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Thame church-goers get sweaty

On 26/02/2016 At 10:58 pm

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A Thame church has been trying out a new type of church service on Sunday afternoons with the aim of offering busy families the chance to find out more about their faith in a fun and active way.

Sweaty Church 1 (283x400)Based on an idea launched in York in 2010 and which is now spreading across the country, things are certainly never dull! As soon as you arrive there are games followed by a ‘team-talk’ and other related activities. The leaders at the session – called “sweaty church” – use these activities to explore helpful topics such as teamwork, perseverance, winning and losing.

There is then a break for half time with orange segments after which everyone can take part in a main game such as uni-hoc or volleyball. All of this is rounded off with hot dogs and cake.

“It’s a really fun way for families to work – and play – together, said Vicar, Rachel Cross. “Please come along to give it a go or to find out more; it would be great to see you.”

‘Sweaty church’ is aimed at families with Key Stage 2ish (6-11year olds) children, but the whole family is welcome and even those who are younger enjoy the madness! Barley Hill Church runs “Sweaty Church”, monthly, on Sunday afternoons in Barley Hill School Hall from 4-5.30pm. Upcoming dates: February 28, April 24, May 22 and  June 26.

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