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Up-date: What’s happening in Thame on June 11?

THE programme for this year’s Thame Carnival and Big Street Party is hotting up! Fire Officers from Thame will carrying out a demonstration of cutting a trapped causality out of a car, in the arena at 3pm. Timings for the day are as follows:

11 am Parade participants gather at Elms Park for walkers, & Station Yard for vehicles
12 noon to 1.20pm Parade
13.00 to 4.30pm Arena events
13.00 to 4.30pm Dog show
13.00 to 5.00pm Live entertainment and compere on stage
17.30 End


Those organisations taking part in the Parade include Thame Town Council, Safari, Thame Fire Station, Thame and District Motor Club, Ian Baker, Thame Motorsport Club, Kubota, Friends of Oscar, Barley Hill School, Thame Swimming Club, Thame Youth Theatre, St Joseph’s Primary School,  Thame Co-Op, Army Reserve Recruiting Team and John Hampden Primary School.

Following this there’ll be the spectacle of a fly-past by a Hawker Hurricane, a British, single-seat fighter aircraft of the 1930s-1940s that was designed and predominantly built by Hawker Aircraft Ltd for the Royal Air Force (RAF).

Although overshadowed by the Supermarine Spitfire, the aircraft became renowned during the Battle of Britain, accounting for 60% of the RAF’s air victories in the battle, and served in all the major theatres of the Second World War.

The 1930s design evolved through several versions and adaptations, resulting in a series of aircraft which acted as fighters, bomber-interceptors, fighter-bombers (also called “Hurribombers”) and ground support aircraft. Further versions known as the Sea Hurricane had modifications which enabled operation from ships.
Some were converted as catapult-launched convoy escorts, known as “Hurricats”. More than 14,583 Hurricanes were built by the end of 1944 (including at least 800 converted to Sea Hurricanes[3] and some 1,400 built in Canada by Canadian Car and Foundry).

Independent Mortgae Solutions (RGB) - R1So now you know all about the Hawker Hurricane – but come along to the Carnival and see this magnificent beast for yourself in its natural habitat – the sky!

What else?

Street party throughout the afternoon on Southern Road Recreation ground – As residents arrive, Carnival committee member, Charlene, will post a street name on a stake around the street party tables and gazebos. the aim is that neighbours will congregate around their street table. Each new street resident will get a new street name allocated to a table (or two).

From 1pm,  street entertainers, including Crystal ball jugglers, will get the party going, and various games and activities will provide even more fun for all ages, including egg-throwing, Splat the Rat, Tombolas and competitions of all sorts throughout the afternoon.

There’ll be the usual large inflatables for the kids, and for lovers of our four-legged friends, the Family Fun Dog Show (Click for details) will of course give them the chance to show what their pooches can do. Beer and Pimms will be on tap throughout the afternoon, as will soft drinks, ice creams and various food stalls to keep everyone refreshed.

No Carnival or Street Party is complete without music and dance, and this year’s stage programme will keep your feet tapping all afternoon. Your Compere will be Dan Blazor, and the Arena and Stage order is as follows:


13:00  – Stagecoach Thame

13:25  – Romy School Of Dance

13:50 – Thame Youth Theatre

14:15 –  Towersey Morris

15:00–  Strawberry Fayre Majorettes


14:30 – Bryn Davis

3:45pm – Bootlegger

So, let’s all get mugging up on ‘The Sun Dance’ to encourage the weather to realise that it is in fact, summer on Saturday, June 11. smiley_face-sunglasses

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