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Police appeal following theft of trailer in Thame

On 10/06/2016 At 11:44 pm

Category : Missed a ThameNews story?, More News, Thame news

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crimeTHAMES Valley Police is appealing for witnesses following the theft of a trailer from Thame.

Between 11am and 11.15 am on Tuesday (7/6) an Ifor Williams flatbed trailer was stolen from Aylesbury Road.

Offender(s) detached the trailer from a van parked outside the cricket ground.

Independent Mortgae Solutions (RGB) - R1

f you have seen any suspicious looking people or vehicles in the area or have any information relating to this message please call the police on the 24 hour non-emergency telephone number 101.

Alternatively if you have information but wish to remain anonymous, please call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or online @ No personal details are taken, information is not traced or recorded and you will not go to court.
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