Racquets are Thames Valley Racketball Team Champions 2016
On 20/07/2016 At 12:21 am
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THE Mens racketball team from Racquets Fitness Centre in Thame, traveled to Aylesbury Squash and Tennis Club last weekend to play in the finals of the Thames Valley Racketball League – and won the Championship!

Ben Hedger, Oz Mustafa, Simon Martin receiving cup from Craig Bartlett. With another Aylesbury player in the middle.
“It has been a great season, having had to travel to Milton Keynes, Buckingham and High Wycombe to get to the final,” said team captain and Manager,mon Martin. “I would like to thank all the players that helped win the league including Andy McDonald, Andy Peers, great young prospect Nick Harbour, Martin Davis and Ben Phillips who all showed Racquets’ depth of players.
After the singles it was 2-2 in the match with good singles wins from team massage therapist and racketball player, Mark Webster, and brilliant young Ben Hedger winning their strings. Mark and Ben then went on to win their doubles as did Simon Martin (recently crowned the Over 45s, National Racketball Champion), playing with Oz Mustafa.
Those wins meant that Racquets took the title.
SOURCE: Contributed