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‘Localism’ means increased charges for Thame householders

On 18/01/2017 At 6:06 pm

Category : Missed a ThameNews story?, More News, Thame news

Responses : 3 Comments

THAME Town Council is to increase its part of the council tax for the coming year (the precept) by up to 1.99%, which will provide it with just under £12,000 extra to meet its budget, and cost each household on average an extra 16p per week.

This amounts to an average total contribution of £2.80 to Thame Town Council. To put TTC’s  contribution into context, around an average of £30 per household per week is paid to Oxfordshire County Council, the police and South Oxfordshire District Council.

In a statement today, the council said: “In preparing its budget for 2017-18, Thame Town Council has again looked hard at where it can make savings (both in terms of cuts and further efficiences) while at the same time providing the projects, functions and services that the community of Thame expect to be delivered.

Two new Thame projects are to be given funds, £5,000 of seed money to a new community led, music festival and £5,000 towards flood prevention measures for the Cuttle Brook.

The Town Council has also decided to step in to fill gaps where Government austerity measures have led to direct cuts being made by Oxfordshire County Council. £10,000 each is allocated to the Red Kite Children’s Centre and the Thame and District Day Centre. £5,000 is allocated to help find a potential new ‘around town’ bus service. “This is in effect a partial devolution of services as part of the localism initiative,” explained the council.

The Town council’s Budget statement can be read in full HERE and if you would like to comment, the Town Clerk, Graham Hunt, has said that he would be pleased to talk through the current budget with anyone who has an interest, or has any comments or suggestions as to whether the proposed average £2.80 per household per week (based on a Band D house) is a reasonable amount, or where the council should spend more, or less, or the same, to help it set the right budget for the community of Thame in the future.

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  1.  — 
  2. Not sure where the question of a unitary authority in our area is at the moment Howie, but this link may help and then you can address your query to your district or county councillors.

  3. Reading through my current council tax bill (valuation band F) I discover that SODC is costing me £160.68 (no change on 2015/6) and TTC £197.87 (up 9.9% on 2015/6). If the proposed unitary authority for the county goes ahead, what happens to TTC?

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