Notes From Town Council Committee
THAME Town Council’s Culture, Leisure and Recreation committee met recently and discussed, among other things, some of the town’s green spaces.
The following is a short summary:
* Suitable locations for a bench in memory of Thame resident, Mr Martin Weeks, at the Southern Road Recreation area, are to be considered.
* The Open Spaces Working group reported that Thame In Bloom will take the lead in entering Thame into next year’s Best Kept Village competition.
* It also reported that three quotations have been sought for the replacement of play equipment in the Churchill Crescent play area, and ditto for the Southern Road Rec.
* Consideration is to be given to an offer from SODC to supply free trees to Thame, and to an offer for Thame to participate in a Pilot for a Tree Warden scheme. (Suggestions to the Mayor)
* To consider illuminating the town hall clock at some time in the future. (Point made that a higher priority might be to get it to keep time !),
* That a large tree in the Churchill Play area had to be removed recently, at a cost of