New Mayor And Administration For Thame
FOLLOWING the local town council elections, Thame has a new Mayor.
Cllr David Bretherton, who is a district councillor for Thame, as well as a town councillor, was elected by his fellow town councillors at last night?s Annual General Meeting.
The Mayor told ThameNews.Net: ?I am honoured and delighted to have been elected as Mayor of Thame or 2007/8. I shall carry out the duties diligently and am looking forward to representing the town at events around Oxfordshire
?Whilst maintaining the traditional role of Mayor, I would like during my year to engage fully with the local community. I will therefore, over the coming months, be paying visits to the youth and community groups in the town.
?Traditionally the Mayor has elected two charities for particular support. This year I have chosen the Citizens Advice Bureau, a group that does sterling work in the community, and appropriately in the 100th year of scouting, Thame Scout Group.?
The Mayor?s Deputy is the out-going Mayor, Nigel Champken-Woods.
The new Chairs of the three main Standing Committees are:
PLANNING- Chair, Don Butler, Vice, Beatrice Dobie.
CULTURE, LEISURE & RECREATION ? Chair, David Laver, Vice, Lionel Morbey
POLICY & RESOURCES ? Chair, David Dodds, Vice, Jeannette Green