Soul singer to star at charity ball
On 13/06/2018 At 1:38 am
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SOUTHERN Soul singer, Everis Pellius, will be performing at a very special ball and ‘Bubbles Reception’ to be held at the Oxford Belfy in September.
Everis is an ambassador for a charity that supports a little known, auto-immune desease, NMO Spectrum Disorder (NMOSD), and he will play at the Green and Gold Ball 2018, which aims to raise funds in support of NMOSD Services at the John Radcliffe Centre, in Oxford, and is open to everyone to attend.
NMSOD is an incurable, life threatening autoimmune illness that affects the Spinal cord and optic nerve leading to blindness and paralysis of the lower limbs. The charity is wholly run by family members of sufferers and sufferers themselves to ensure that the maximum possible goes to the NHS research staff in the fight against NMOSD.
To find out more about NMOSD, the lives of those affected, the Green and Gold Ball, and how to purchase tickets, visit the website: (There’s a new section, The Art Of NMO, which is worth a look as it shows that people affected by rare illnesses have ‘This ability’ not ‘Disability’.