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Thame by-election candidates present their priorities

On 09/07/2008 At 12:00 am

Category : More News

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WITH only one more day to go before voting begins in the Thame South Ward by-election, ThameNews.Net asked all the candidates what their two main priorities would be, should they be elected to Thame Town Council.
Clifford Baker, who is standing as a Conservative candidate, said: ?My first priority would be to try to understand what services and facilities will be needed to be provided by the new library, to meet the needs of everyone in the town and to ensure that we get a building that does not ?cut across? the character of the town.
?Secondly, I will support all the groups and centres in town for the elderly and the disabled.?

Margaret Bretherton, who is standing as a Lib Dem candidate, said: ?My main priority will be to work towards the provision of a much-needed cycle path between Thame and Haddenham.
?Secondly, I will work to get the right sort of development for Thame, on the Cattlemarket site in North Street.

Andrew Gunn and Mary Stiles, the two Labour candidates were unavailable at the time of going to press but according to their election literature, ?They would like the Town Council to be more active in the formation of working groups as a source of ideas for the town, and to be more positive in collaborating with groups already in existence. This way local people can be more fully involved in future developments.
?They want the Town Council to open up its meetings by providing 15 – 20 mins at the end of each meeting for public questions.?

Hussein Mirza, Liberal Democrat candidate, said: ?I would like to fight for more facilities for the young people of Thame, outside school hours ? activities that provide a life balance against exercises in maths, English etc ? exercises that promote enjoyment of life and help keep them physically fit and encourage healthy eating and other positive life-style choices. In other words, to help young people become balanced citizens.
?Secondly, I believe there should be facilities in the new library, in the swimming pool etc for middle-aged and elderly people particularly, to encourage them to get out and about, away from their homes so that they feel connected and not locked in their homes.?

Michael Welply, who is standing as a Conservative candidate, said: ?If elected, my major priority would be to robustly and rigorously lobby the district council to fund, design and develop a new community facility on the cattlemarket site, somewhere for all the groups in Thame, like the U3A, to meet and flourish ? something that, working together with 21st Century Thame, the county council, and all stakeholders, with all our ?shoulders to the wheel,? produce something we can all be proud of and which will be the ?Taj Mahal? of South Oxfordshire!
? Secondly, I will work tirelessly to enhance Thame?s retail sector without which the town will die.?

The election is tomorrow, Thursday, July 10.

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