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Exhibition throws new light on the lives of Thame’s Romans

On 19/02/2019 At 1:06 am

Category : Missed a ThameNews story?, More News, Thame news

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YOU may have noticed pictures of Romans in the window of the Thame Citizen’s Advice Bureau in Montesson Square. So, what’s it all about you may wonder?

Archaeological trench at Thame Meadows – Image courtesy of

Well, if you pop along to Thame Museum, which has now reopened after a winter break, you will be able to find out more about how the Romans lived in Thame.

The museum has also obtained two replica models; a farmhouse that may be similar to one in Roman Thame and a model of a working corn dryer, similar to several found at Thame Meadows. You can see these in the Main Gallery of the Museum.

Roman Thame had a significant farming community. The site of the current Thame Meadows housing estate, in Oxford Road, revealed a large thriving Roman settlement with paddocks and enclosures, corn dryers, kilns, ovens and a stone-lined well.

While full details of the dig are yet to be published, Thame Museum is beginning to share what is known so far and you can read previous Thame.News reports about the dig’s finds HERE and HERE

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