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You’re sure of a Big Surprise………..!

On 20/02/2019 At 12:53 am

Category : entertainment and leisure news, Missed a ThameNews story?, Thame news

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DEMONS, goblins, elves, werewolves ….. and teddy bears! These and more can be found in the (musical) woods at Thame Chamber Choir’s unique concert on Saturday, March 16, at St Mary’s Church, Thame.

Myths and Legends is the title of the concert which, for the first time, features former BBC Young Musician (and choir member) Anna Markland who will play piano solos by Debussy, Rachmaninov Mussorgsky and Ginastera. Meanwhile the choir, and its children’s choir, TCC2, will contribute pieces by Ravel, Schumann, Weelkes and Whitacre, including the intriguingly-named “Leonardo Dreams of His Flying Machine”!

This year, 2019, is Thame Chamber Choir’s 20th anniversary season, and to celebrate this, there will be one more surprise – and another first – only to be revealed on the night! Tickets can be purchased in advance from The Book House, Thame, tel: 213032, price £10, and on the door, price £12. Under 18s are admitted free, and students for £5 (on the door only)

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