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DAF site care home plans thrown out!

On 22/02/2019 At 3:23 am

Category : Missed a ThameNews story?, More News, Thame news

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A speculative planning application for up to 129 dwellings, a 68 bed care home, and 1511sqm of office space on the whole of Kingsmead Business Park, the old DAF site, has been rejected by South Oxfordshire District Council.

Kingsmead Business Park – Image courtesy of

Representatives from Thame Town Council attended the meeting yesterday, to explain the town council’s objections to the proposed development of this piece of land, designated in the Thame Neighbourhood Plan for Employment purposes. TTC disagreed that appropriate marketing had been done to dispose of the site for Warehousing or similar purposes, that would provide more employment to the town. It also maintained that there was no identfied need for a care home of the type proposed, and that it would put pressure on local facilities such as doctors, etc. Despite SODC’s Planning Chief recommending acceptance of the plans, the district council’s Planning Committee
voted 6 – 1, to reject it.

In response to the decision, the town council stated: “There were particular concerns expressed that the marketing efforts to keep the site alive as a Business Park were insufficient to overrule the relevant employment policies that allocate the land for employment use only. The Town Council will continue to protect allocated employment land where it can, to avoid Thame becoming a dormitory town like so many others. Thank you for everyone’s support.”

In its application, the developer suggested, among other benefits, that the proposal would:

  • deliver sustainable development comprising beneficial use of an underutilised brownfield site within the urban area;
  • Comprises high quality care facilities that address an identified need and that will contribute towards meeting the housing requirements of Thame and
  • generate beneficial employment opportunities


Angle Property Limited, purchased the Kingsmead Business Park (including the DAF site), and launched a public consultation with the apparent objective of securing community support for building a care home on the site. This was after they had already gained planning permission for Government initiated, ‘Permitted Development Rights’ to convert the DAF building to 45 flats….against the wishes of Thame Town Council.

You can view the full application/s HERE

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