Plea to dog owners to clean up
Dear Sir / madam,
I have lived in Thame for over 12 years but the dog mess problem is getting worse. Thame never used to have this problem!
I would encourage all dog owners who do not pick up there dog’s mess to remember the following:
1. It only takes a few seconds to pick up, and bio-degradable poo bags are widely available.
2. Dog mess is a health hazard, for any body of any age.
3. There are plenty of dog mess disposal bins around the town, however if we believe we need more then lets raise it with our council.
4. The only people who will clean up your dog mess for FREE is YOU, as its your responsibility. If you expect someone else to do it then expect to be charged for the service at some point for it.
5. Not clearing up your dog’s mess, can result in a large fine.
6. Leaving your dog’s mess on someone else’s property, can result in a fine and criminal record.
Lets make 2009 ‘clean streets’ for all.
JK. (Full name and address supplied)