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Town council received 81 complaints about Taxis!

On 10/04/2019 At 9:50 pm

Category : Missed a ThameNews story?, More News, Thame news

Responses : 2 Comments

THAME Town council has received 81 complaints about taxis in the town centre.

The complaints include too many parking behind the town hall on the cobbled area, parking in non-designated parking places and running their engines when the vehicle is stationery.

Several complaints were aimed at taxi drivers who park in the two bays outside Barclays Bank preventing the bank’s customers to easily access the bank or cash machine.

The Mayor of Thame, Cllr Ann Midwinter, told fellow councillors at a meeting of the council’s Policy and Resources Committee that she had spoken to the police about the problem. She said that officers have told her that they are preparing letters to give to taxi drivers, telling them where they cannot park, and that they will be fined if they do not comply.

She added that the problem was exacerbated by there not being enough officers in Thame to enfore parking infringements.

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  1. I have a blue badge and occasionally park behind the town hall so I can walk a few yards to my hairdresser, butchers, etc. I have been blocked in by taxi driver parking alongside my car and I have had to knock on driver’s window to demand they move so I can drive off. How bad is that? I used to live in Aylesbury and know an awful lot about the behaviour of the taxi drivers.

  2. I have noticed a new habit taxi drivers have now – they don’t just park on the double yellow lines behind the town hall but also regularly park in the High Street on double yellow lines right in front of the Black Horse . Why do they think they can come to Thame and just ignore traffic laws?

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