Town council produces its own economy action plan
THAME Town Council, which has criticised a draft economic plan for the town, calling it “unfit for purpose”, has now come up with its own.
As part of a consultation exercise South Oxfordshire District Council, which has the responsibility for economic development in the district, has been awaiting the town council’s response to its draft plan. It (SODC) has pointed out that there is now some urgency to move forward because SEEDA (South East Economic Development Agency) funding, available to take these plans forward, is soon to be reduced and there is a fear that Thame could miss the boat. (Match funding from SODC to carry its Market Towns economic development plans, is dependent on SEEDA funding.)
After some amendments following consultation, Henley and Wallingford are already taking their plans forward.
See previous news report
The town council’s plan is very similar in many aspects to SODC’s plan but in many cases is just more detailed or includes projects already within the scope of the town council’s remit or 21st Century Thame’s Action plan, like reviewing signage and Thame?s branding, looking at parking in the town and organising different markets to attract visitors. Their are, however, some new ideas in there too.
The following are some of the ideas in the town council’s plan (anyone who would like to see the whole plan, can email: for a copy):
Support and encourage more independent businesses in order to maintain the town’s distinctiveness.
Form a group with representation from both the business sector and residents to work with consultants on the distinctiveness factor(s).
Develop a strong working Business Partnership including the industrial areas around the town.
Invite Business Link to organise a Business Support Fair in Thame ?
Establish baseline economic data
Employ a Town Manager
Undertake a feasibility study to form a Business Improvement District (BID)
Consult on a draft business plan
Improve visitor and information facilities with week end opening hours
Supplementary visitor information services at the Museum and the Spread Eagle Hotel
Refurbish / upgrade toilets in Market House
Design a town brand to establish a recognisable identity to be used as a marketing tool to develop the town’s distinctiveness
Develop and implement a marketing strategy so that the town is well promoted and marketed, especially Thame’s events and attractions
Develop joint Midsomer Murder Trails with Wallingford and surrounding villages. Perhaps get local restaurants/hotels to put on Murder Mystery dinners to compliment the trails
Form a steering group to develop post GCSE training opportunities and identify what training is needed and how to deliver it
Provide a Skills Centre
Help form a Training Forum that will bring employers, training providers and residents together to enable access to training provision and identify training needs
Liaise with the market traders to see if the market can be improved
Organise different markets in the town to attract visitors
Establish the case for upgrading, improving streets, especially The Buttermarket
Claim ownership of The Shambles
Join English Historic Town Forum (EHTF) Association of Market Towns (AMT)
Investigate what can be achieved through Heritage Protection & Principles of Conservation
Refurbish, redesign the links from specific areas to the High Street and Swan Walk
Undertake an audit of signs in the town and produce an action list for implementation
Develop an annual programme of events
What is not included in TTC’s plan compared to SODC’s is where the resources will come from to implement the plan or time scales. It does however set out a system of short, medium and long-term priorities.
to SODC’s plan for Thame
At its meeting on Tuesday (June 16, 2009), The town council agreed to form a working group of councillors to take the plan forward, and agreed that SODC should be invited to attend that group’s meetings if it wanted to.