Good news for recruitment
OXFORDSHIRE is set for a recruitment surge, according to a survey from Oxford-based recruitment firm, Allen Associates.
Helen Hymas, resourcer at Stratton Group, told “We are currently recruiting in Thame. The general buzz is that it is picking up.”
The Recruiter article states that the survey shows that 51% of firms plan to hire in 2010, while 35% have already hired new employees.
The research also shows that 30% predict that their business will recover from the economic downturn within the next six to 12 months, 27% predict recovery within the next 18 months to two years and 44% of small businesses in Oxfordshire report no negative effects from the recession.
Kate Allen, managing director of Allen Associates who commissioned the survey, says: “Whilst many companies have had to deal with recession-related issues resulting in extra pressure on managers, the new recovery predictions are extremely encouraging. Oxfordshire?s readily available talent pool, creativity and ability to innovate look set to help strengthen its economic position over the next year.”
Louise Tyzack, researcher at Banbury-based HR consultancy and recruiter Anthony Cripps Associates, told Recruiter: “We have seen a pick up in the market from a month ago. There has been an increase in jobs coming in for accountancy jobs.”