Thame’s a good town and other news – September 24, 2009
THAME has all the ingredients for a town that could go places! is just one of the observations that a research company looking, into the future viability and vitality of the town, has so far made.
At a meeting of local businesses last night at the Spread Eagle Hotel, representatives of Miller Research told those present: “Thame is a good town but people don’t know that; you need to tell them!
Chris Jones said that Thame has the lowest number of retail vacancies of any town in the country but that what it could do with was a life style brand like Fat Face or White Stuff and was short of an outdoor activities outlet and a young fashion outlet. Also, he felt that as a market town Thame could do with an antique stop and above all, much more should be made of the good range of local produce available in the area, particularly by more restaurants although it was noted that The Thatch and What’s Cooking already do.
Workshops are to be held in November for local people to have their say about how they see the town, its assets and distinctiveness, to help the district council formulate a economic development plan for the town.
THAME fair was hailed a success this week, despite a disturbance involving a group of around 100 youths on the Friday night.
Thame’s Inspector Martin Ford praised the town council for their management of the fair, adding that the disturbance, involving a large group from Aylesbury, was quickly dealt with by his officers, with only two arrests over the whole weekend. One involved criminal damage to a police car.
THAME’S second celebration of the town’s food and drink offering is on Saturday, September 26, and as well as food and drink related stalls, there is a competition for children to make a monster figure or character out of vegetable or other food stuffs. Bring your entries along to the town hall after 10am.
The competition will be judged by the Mayor of Thame, Jeannette Matelot Green with the help of Colonal Custard and there will be a prize for the winning entry.
STAFF at Brothers Hair salon in Thame, are holding a car boot sale in the Upper Hight Street, on Sunday, October 11, 2009, to raise money towards the youth memorial, currently under construction in the Memorial gardens, Thame. More information to follow.
THAME Town Council is still refusing to pay this year’s contribution to the cost of running the CCTV cameras in the town, because they feel it is too high. The council is still negotiations with the district council’s Matt Prosser, Head of Finance.
NO one has applied to pay for a parking permit at Southern Road, since the scheme was announced a month ago. The town council is therefore going to review the charge.
Two more people are needed to make viable this term?s 7 week WEA course ?Real Life in an Ancient Egyptian Village?, with tutor Rosalind Janssen, on Wednesdays (1.30- 3.30pm) at Haddenham Methodist Chapel starting on September 30 (not on 23 as originally advertised in the WEA publicity).
If you are interested, please call Carole Fryer on 01296 748538 by Friday 25th September when a decision on whether to run the course will be made.